Painting just by thinking, without muscular input: this is what Brain Painting enables you to do. All you need is an electroencephalograph, two monitors and a brain.
The Uni Würzburg Brain Painting Team (Loic, Elisa, Andrea) condoles with the family of Jürgen Thiele on the loss of a great person and brain painter Despite the devastating disease ALS Jürgen was cheerful and enthusiastic, and pursued his new style of painting with breath taking stamina. We admired his endurance and love his paintings. We always enjoyed his company and share our deepest sympathy with his friends and family. We are grieving for having lost yet another friend to the disease.
Our BP artists have been working hard, check out their art !
How to paint with BP
BP is a brain-computer interface (BCI) that translate brain activity into commands. If you don't believe in magic and want to learn how we can achieve control with EEG, then this section is for you.

Supported by their relatives, both HHEM and JThiele exhibit their BP created art locally and abroad (see exhibitions). Their creativity has drawn the attention of the media and press on many occasion, reaching a wider public.

History of Brain Painting
We installed BP at the home of two artists in the locked-in-state due to ALS. Formerly cut off from the possibility of creative expression, BP brought back the world of colors. Over the years, the engagement of the BP artists has been strong and extraordinary stable.

Scientific contributions
The project is maintained by Loic Botrel and Prof. Andrea Kübler at the University of Würzburg in the psychology department. We longitudinally investigate the positive impact of BP on quality of life (see our publications).

We are very happy to receive people's feedback and interest about BP. Also, we received modest but warm donations which covered a few expenses to maintain BP functional for our patients. If you wish, to take any part in our project, or express anything, do not hesitate to send us a message

Despite ALS, they want share with you their enthusiasm, having found a new quality of life by being able to communicate, paint, and be creative again, just as Heide Pfützner said:
"Brain Painting is like a sunday breakfast for the soul..."